Monday, April 20, 2015

About Blackrock

I went to Blackrock last friday for Bring Your Kids To Work Day.  I learned lots about Blackrock when I visited its San Francisco office.  This is some of Blackrock's offices, right now the person in the blue office is discussing with a client about investing her money in retirement.  In the San Francisco Blackrock office there are 10 floors.  My dad works on the fourth floor.  On my dad's desk there is one computer, one telephone and one headset.    In Blackrock, people help investors invest their money so it becomes more than the money that they started with. They do that by trading, buying and selling stock. Stock is little pieces of companies. Stock is also known as shares.  As I said earlier Blackrock buys and sells shares.
This is a chart showing how good stocks are doing.  People from Blackrock look at charts like this every day to see which stock prices are doing well.


  1. Thanks for telling me about Blackrock. Nice pictures!

  2. Great story. Thanks for sharing Yash. Love your pictures.

  3. Nicely written! Thank you for sharing your thoughts

  4. That's awesome that companies still allow Bring Your Kid to Work Day. My company is too paranoid. Thumbs up! Keep blogging kid!
